I think the iPad is highly effective one-to-one computer for school use at all levels. Many schools are wrestling with the issue of whether the iPad (or similar tablets) are a satisfactory alternative to a laptop. The unfamiliarity of the iPad makes this a difficult decision because many of those making the decision have little extended use of an iPad.
Before getting into some detailed points, let's not make the assumption that laptops as one to one devices have been without problems in the classroom. They haven't.They have proved expensive, heavy, cumbersome and complicated to use - as well as providing some wonderful advantages as well. I'm going to try and not make the same mistake of suggesting that iPads and other tablets are without shortcomings as well.
Oh, and another thing, I am assuming that we are talking here about a personal device that students use across their learning at school, at home and in-between.
Here are some of the arguments that I have heard for and against. As I said in the beginning, I believe that the iPad has significant advantages, so I will be pleased to hear comments below that balance my views.... or add to them!
Arguments against
1. The iPad lacks the capacity to run some important software. True: it does not run some sophisticated design, music and art software. But these applications are only needed by a small fraction of the school community, and there need to be banks of specialist computers to provide this in secondary schools and in some primary.
2. The iPad doesn't have some functions that we use all the time on a laptop, like usb ports. True: but the significance of these differences is rapidly diminishing. Regular iPad users do not miss a usb port, and with the rise of ubiquitous wireless and Cloud based services the issue is becoming irrelevant. There are a number of things you can't do on an iPad, but few are critical in my view. The major issue the the package as a whole.
3. The iPad is not a good computer for creating multi-media. Not true now, with iMovie and Garage Band providing video and audio creation to a level that few laptops in the recent past could deliver. Then there are a plethora of apps that provide small scale multi-media such as whiteboard apps. The issue here is the level of sophistication. I am sure that iMovie, for example, provides more than adequate video editing for 90% of school needs.
4. The iPad lacks multi-tasking. Not now: and with the latest operating system, the upward swipe with four fingers makes it quicker to switch back and forth between applications than I manage on a laptop.
5. File management is a problem. Not now. It is different, but there are few problems now. Apps like GoodReader store a wide range of files. And the lack of a complex and often messy file management set-up is a real advantage to some users, who never really understood how to navigate their computer.
6. A laptop has much greater storage. True, however iCloud and similar storage is reducing the significance of this.
7. The touch screen is no good for touch typing. True, but I am typing this on a bluetooth keyboard ($99) on my iPad. I'm not sure of this issue, because a large proportion of students don't touch type anyway. And while I think it is quite important for students to be able to touch type, at least by about Year 9 or so, the truth is that many students today who are constant computer users manage quite well with two finger typing. There are also effective alternative input apps: screen writing to text and voice input.
8. Cannot print from an iPad. True, except for one HP printer. However is is highly likely that 'Airprint' will be available from any wireless activated printer in the near future. However there is less need to print from a device that is easy to carry and read from. Documents can readily be emailed or linked via iCloud to a computer with printing capability.
Arguments for
1. The iPad is physically better suited to the classroom than a laptop. Yes: an important factor. The small desk space required, lightness, and ruggedness (in a cover), make iPads much less intrusive in a classroom. They are a better device for two or three students to work on together, because of the touch interface. They are much more likely to be used out of the classroom, in small groups, in assemblies, on excursions.
2. The iPad is easier to use. Yes: this is clearly a strong reason for the use of a tablet. After only 18 months on the market in Australia the use of iPads is widespread at many levels in society, apparently in large part due to their ease of use. This is despite their unfamiliarity to most people. It is difficult for confident computer users to realise that many people, young and old, find the modern computer operating system over complex and confusing.
3. The iPad is a more personal device. This is a necessarily personal judgement, but for a range of reason, including tactile interface, size and intimacy, it seems to be true. A significant factor is that the iPad is potentially a more innovative device, if it is under the ownership of the student. This is because of access to hundreds of thousands of low cost or free apps which students can acquire on their own initiative. Students will follow their personal enthusiasms, sometimes in educationally frivolous directions, but other times in very worthwhile directions that will be of great interest to teachers and other students.
4. The iPad is a better ebook reader. Obviously. The use of e(text)books in some secondary schools has justified the full cost of personal iPads over a two year period.
5. The iPad is a lot cheaper. With tablet outselling the similarly priced netbooks more than 2 to 1, it is clear that the more powerful tablets are taking over the niche briefly occupied by netbooks. In the arguments above, I have been talking about a fully featured laptop for comparison. A 16Gig iPad is about 60% of that cost.
I place a lot of importance on some less tangible factors in this discussion, like the student table 'footprint' of a tablet or laptop. I must point out too that my arguments about the iPad are based on the assumption that schools will make them genuinely 'owned' device that students take home, are responsible for and will use openly on wireless networks at home and school, accessing the 'cloud' freely and under explicit safety guidelines. But of course a closed and restricted school environment will ruin most of the benefits from 1to1 laptops too.
This post is all iPad, written in Pages, published via Blogsy, mindmap via IThoughtsHD, images editing via iPhoto.
An interesting perspective John, most of what you have to say makes a fair bit of sense. However, when approaching the issue of transitioning from a pretty functional laptop environment to an iPad environment, there are several other issues to consider and resolve before changing to using just an iPad. Sure their creative capacity is improving, but the file management, printing, projection and network/proxy solutions require significant resourcing to fix. Website development, eg building a media-rich site / ePortfolio is much easier in iWeb than on an iPad. Student owned/managed personal device/iPad is obviously the most manageable way forward for most schools who are just really beginning their technology journey where students really do have technology at their fingertips. 1:1 iPad is a great way in for these schools, but interestingly some are trying iPads at certain year levels and laptops at other levels.
ReplyDeleteMC is quite right. So far there is not a good way to edit a wiki, which is an important tool. But I expect this will change before long. The question is then, is there a substitute for a wiki?
ReplyDeleteUpdate: I have had a play around with editing Google Sites with an iPad and things have improved a great deal. It is now possible to use nearly all the editing tools in the suite and mange a Site quite well. The main difficulty is that the operation is not set up for a touch screen and it is quite a fiddly operation, but can be done. The only important function that I could not use was the image import. However is one uploads images to Picasa Web Albums, they can be hosted and imported from there quite well. Location of the image on the page was not editable, however.
ReplyDeleteThis is typical of iPad world. What was true yesterday may not be true today. Generally, things are improving all the time.
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